As our resident expert, Penny often helps customers with their repairs, by identifying the steps required. She puts down her paw and makes certain that your experience is drama-free and seamless from start to beginning.

Reporting A Claim

As the owner of the vehicle, one of the first things you will need to do is report the claim. If the insurance company would allow us, we would do this for you. However, because they require specific information about the accident, they will need to speak to you directly, so it is important to report the claim as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delays.

After you have reported your claim, you will be provided with a claim number. Advise the insurance company that you have selected Dan's Paint & Body as the shop of your choice.

Please Note: Never allow your insurance representative to direct you to another repair facility. It's called steering and it's against the law. To read more about your rights, refer to the Motorist Bill of Rights.

Once you have a claim number, call Dan's Paint & Body @ (520) 795-0075 and we will handle the entire process for you. We'll even set up a rental car or pick up your vehicle from your home or office to make the experience as convenient as possible.

Our experienced staff will make this part of the auto repair process easy for you. Let us handle it all. It's like having your cake and eating it too!

What To Do In Case of an Accident

A fender bender is always upsetting and often unavoidable. It can also be expensive, especially if you don't take your car the right body shop. Keep a bad situation from getting worse by following the simple steps outlined in this brochure.


The Repair Process


Step 7

Final Inspection & Quality Control

Our unique quality control inspection checklists are only available at Dan's Paint & Body. Every technician (body, paint and mechanical) checks for quality throughout the entire repair process. At the final stage, they put their personal signature of approval for the repairs they've performed. The last inspection is the most important part of the repair, where we not only perform a final check on the repairs, but investigate all mechanical items and details as well. If required, your vehicle may also be test-driven at that point to assure your vehicle will drive like it's new again.



Dan's Paint & Body
3810 E. 22nd Street
Tucson, AZ 85713
Phone: (520) 795-0075
Fax: (520) 323-0059



Monday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Thursday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM